Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Plots and Goals


Firstly there are four sides to this battle, God and his angels, Satan and his demons, purist scientists who typically are pacifists though fully capable of deploying technologically advanced weapons against the masses and finally we have the religious zealots who are determined that their message is the truth and is God’s will.

Actually there are five sides, the general public that are being slaughtered, misguided, misinformed and typically used as cannon fodder.

God and his angels are trying to show the general public, the scientists and the religious zealots that the discovery made is for everyone. That every person is entitled to the discovery and that each person is allowed to draw their own conclusions from this discovery.

No answer is correct, only the one that you hold true to yourself.

Satan and his demons are trying to dissuade everyone, no matter who they are, in a hope that an all out war between the scientists and religious zealots ensues eventually involving the general public on whole and causing everyone to fall victim to Satan’s overall masterful trap, to cause the scientists to not believe in God and therefore go to hell, to cause the religious zealots to fall for foolish and obviously false prophecies in the name of God so that their misguided belief will cause them to sin and go to hell.

The general public will then hopefully see that God does not exist and to not believe in him causing as many souls as possible to go to hell where Satan will one day become powerful enough to finally destroy God himself and rule the heavens and the Earth.

The scientists are trying to eradicate all religion stating that it is nothing but a fool’s paradise whereby the ignorant believe that they will go to heaven when clearly there is no heaven, nor is there a God (or Satan for that matter). These scientists are purist in nature which by all definitions, state that if God cannot be proven then God cannot exist.

The religious zealots are faithful people, typically good natured but very susceptible to the suggestions of their religious leaders whose own personal agendas cause them to misuse the trust and authority that has been given to them. These people are adament that God should not be “defined” by man and that man has no right to pry into matters of God. This point of view therefore rejects everything to do with the discovery and only serves to fuel the passion behind these beliefs.

The team of scientists responsible for the discovery are a group of diverse beliefs and backgrounds. Some have been brought up in religious households and have found that religion does not sit with their current beliefs, until now! Others are from a strictly scientific background where only physical proof can sway them, though they now have the massive task of analysing their results, their "physical proof" and having to integrate this new information into their belief structure. This conflict between their own personal beliefs causes a rift in the team which eventuates into the leaking of information to the general public. Only this team has the ability to take both sides, both arguments and produce a result which could potentially become the new basis for religion and science in the future.

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